Anxious yet hopeful of what will come,
Months and years of waiting for an opportunity such as this.
Wanting so bad for this place to have the answers
To unravel the life we always envisioned but never believed existed.
We were welcomed with love and handshakes.
Unsure if it was sincere or just an act,
Not quite convinced anything was behind that smiling face.
Our guard was up and the walls around us concrete,
Determined to keep a safe distance from the ridicule and judgment we knew would come.
The beginning days were filled with disbelief and frustration.
Tears of sorrow and fear fell in a steady stream.
We became a stripped version our ourselves.
Unprotected as the layers disappeared,
Yet somehow we felt okay exposing our vulnerable side.
We walked unknowingly into a safe place.
A place where our courage was strengthened
Our insecurities nurtured
Our hearts softened
A place where our journey was shared and we were not forgotten.
You are safe.
I am safe.