Sunday, June 16, 2013

Dear Diary

This is going to be interesting - for me and hopefully for you as well.  I have always shied away from creating a blog of some sort because I didn’t really believe I would have enough to share.  And besides, who would read it anyway?!?  Despite my innumerable attempts at Dear Diary entries, I have yet to keep such a life account going.  I realize that this whole blog thing is nothing new, but perhaps the jump to a technological diary will encourage me to write more than four entries, I mean posts.

On and off I have found myself drawn to other peoples' blogs…sometimes it’s because it’s an easy read, other times I like to see how other people write, but more often than not it’s a way to sort of keep up with friends that I may not see all the time.  That last one, my friends, is my goal.  As you may or may not know, I have recently been accepted to serve as a nurse on board the Africa Mercy.  I figured keeping a relatively up to date blog would be the best way to keep everybody at home informed with what I’m experiencing.

At the end of August I will hop on a plane with my friend as we embark on this amazing journey.  We will be volunteering as PICU nurses until November.  I can't promise that all these posts will be super exciting, they might just be quick blurbs about what went on or what I was feeling.  They might just be a collection of pictures.  Sometimes I may even direct you to another blog or site, often times we find others seem to have a more elegant way of describing something.  But I will make one promise - whatever I do share with you, I promise to be open and true.  I hope you will enjoy this journey as much as I do (I won't ever really know if you don't hehe).